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Tahukah Kamu? Teknologi Canggih di Balik Mobil Otonom


Tahukah Kamu? Teknologi Canggih di Balik Mobil Otonom

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Tahukah Kamu Teknologi Canggih di Balik Mobil Otonom

In addition to software, autonomous cars utilize a range of hardware components to enable control, such as actuators that physically control the vehicle’s movements, and electronic control units that manage the vehicle’s systems.

Navigasi Mobil Otonom

The navigation system in autonomous cars builds on the data gathered by sensors to develop an accurate representation of the vehicle’s surroundings. The system then uses this data to plot the vehicle’s route to its destination.

The route-finding algorithm is responsible for analyzing the data obtained from sensors and finding the most efficient path for the vehicle to take to reach its destination. The algorithm takes into account a variety of factors, such as traffic conditions, road conditions, and the vehicle’s capabilities.

Overall, the control and navigation systems in autonomous cars are the backbone of their ability to operate without human intervention, ensuring that they are safe, efficient, and reliable.

Komunikasi Antar Kendaraan dan Infrastruktur

Teknologi canggih di mobil otonom tidak hanya berkaitan dengan kendali dan sensor, tapi juga melibatkan sistem komunikasi terhubung antara mobil dan infrastruktur jalan. Melalui teknologi ini, mobil otonom dapat berkomunikasi dengan mobil lainnya dan juga memproses informasi langsung dari jalan yang dilaluinya.


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